I am not that happy today, mainly because of Duckie. I know it's not his fault, but I just can't control myself. I am feeling happier ready, since I just wrote all my feelings down to another blog, which I don't think I will show it to anybody. (sorry guys...if you want to see it, feel free to google it...if only you know how to search in google)

Anyway, lets back to some happier topics. Since last week, I had been trying out this game called "Mario Hoops 3-on-3". I think it's really fun, and it is implemented quite well with the use of the touch screen on the DS Lite (or org. DS). Actually, this game got me a bit addicted to the DS Lite. I had been learning how get my left and right hands to cooperate and work together. hahahaa....you know, when you are controlling how the characters move, you can kinda lose controls with your right hand, which is used to control the dribbling, and shooting... Well, I am getting a bit better now. hahaha... You know? It's really fun. If you can get this game and a DS, that will be great.
That's my comment on this game..hahaha....lots and lots of fun...and it supports multiplayer too...hahaha...but too bad it doesn't support wi-fi...lol