November 12, 2006

MacBook got upgraded!

MacBook was getting me so excited this week. I believe it was Monday....I was on a Mac on Monday, as the library...and I was a bit bored during the break, so I went to guess what I saw? I saw my beloved machine got upgraded =) hahahaa....I was soo excited! I phoned Duckie immediately, but he didn't answer my call. oh well.....I am a bit used to it now...not that I like it or not, but whatever...

Anyway, I am still waiting for Leopard. I am so determined to get it now. I even started thinking about what I want for my MacBook. hahaha

I love everything about this new MacBook. I hope I can get it soon!

November 3, 2006

Busy days

I am really sorry for having no updates at all. I had been extremely busy, and if you are sending me any e-mails, please give me some time to send you back a reply. If that message is extremely important, please message me in MSN/WLM instead (you can even phone me, if you want to). Otherwise, it might take up to 5 days before I can actually send you back a message.

I am really sorry about this...but I really have no choice...

Everyone, please take care. I will come back to blogging when I am a bit more free again, which might take about 2 weeks or so.