I finally got some time to update this blog. It's not because I completely ignored the site. It's more because I only have about 1-2 hours of time for internet when I am at home.
The first week...a lot of trainings. I don't think they are trainings at all. To me, I think they are introductions to the technology/software BOBJ (Business Objects) is using. They don't help me to make my jobs easier. Since most people are in the PG (Product Group), we were all introduced to the same thing, even if some of the people don't have to care about them.
Anyway, the first week...I can't say I learned a lot, and I know that there are still A LOT of things to learn. I do hope I can get used to it sooner, as I am a bit worried if I can really handle all the stuff there is... I always wonder, "Do I have enough knowledge to handle the job?"
I will not say any technical things....I don't think there is a purpose to do that. I don't think you are interested in them anyway.
I am hoping that I can work well with the rest of the team. They all seem to be very friendly people. =)