My eyes are getting worse these days. I had forced myself to look at the screen these days, because I need to finish my assignment. At the end, however, I still need Duckie to help me a lot with the problems I have. I feel sad that I need to end up doing that, because I hate it when I need help from other people.
Anyway, last Saturday, there was an open house in SFU. There were a lot of people there, especially the little kids with parents, and some grade 12 students, I guess.

This a picture I took when I was in the Applied Science Building. That's the building where the faulty of Applied Science is managed. The two main programs that Applied Science is well known for are Engineering Science and Computing Science. Anyway, that's the place I always go in the school. That's where the CSIL lab (computer lab) is located.
Anyway, that's enough of promoting my school. hahaha....these days, I will try my best to rest my eyes. This entry takes me a lot of energy to type, as I feel really tired after work, and in these few days, I usually go to sleep at around 3AM. I know this isn't a good idea, but I don't really have a choice.
P.S. Excuse me if I had typed anything that doesn't make sense, or anything that I typed wrong.
Are you alright? (*.*)
[And dun call me "PoPo"..XP]
And...if you really can't figure out a way to sleep earlier..then just knock yourself out..haha..although you dun really "sleep" when you are unconcious..but at least your eyes get to have some rest..:P!!
Get some sleep on this weekend la..^U^
I got a longer rest last night, but due to my habit for waking up really early, I still ended up waking up at about 9:30AM. Oh well...I think that's better than waking up at 6:00AM. hahah
My eyes are getting better. Maybe I need more rest, but my nose is still sneezing like crazy. I am sure it's not because of the cold, but the condition of the air around me.
You are in my thoughts too. Thanks for being my dear brother.
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I am getting better la, so don't worry about me. ^^
I slept more this weekend lu. hehehe....and...I still want to call you por por =P well, I can call you jie jie geh, but you don't want me to, after so many e-mails from you. hahahaha
I will call you kinki la. hehhee
I don't want to hurt myself ar. can knock me out if you want. hahaha
reallY? i can KNOCK you out..weeee..
well..i dun wanna "kill" you la..haha!! stay away from ur pc when ur eyes are tired la...^^...kitty JIE JIE..weeeee~
I miss you a lot too. I had been really really sick lately. I got some pills for my allergy problems. Now I am feeling a bit better. I can finally reply you for a while before I go to sleep.
I am really tired these days. First, I need to go to work. I need to finish most of my assignments before this week, as I have midterms next week, so I really have to study for them.
I will try my best. I hope you understand. Take care, Winston.
Thank you for your support!
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kinki mui mui,
that's why I am not replying you until now ><
I had been really tired, but I still have to stare at the screen sometimes. You know I still need to program...errr >< that frustrates hahaaha....
Anyway, see you around.
I had realized that most people I know have this allergy too. I think this problem is quite common, and since I always need my eyes to read the screen, I guess it affects me more than other people.
I am feeling better, and hopefully, I will do well next week too.
I have a lot of pressure in me, and hopefully, I will be more relaxed.
Thanks for your support. I miss our chats. Hopefully, I can see you more in MSN.
Thanks for praying for me. I hope I can do well as well. thanks for your support. Without you, I will not feel as happy as now.
I always love the comments you gave me. They are so sweet!
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