I was soo happy yesterday. Duckie and I went to Science World to see Lego models. Right now, the special theme from Science World is "
LEGO: Secrets of the Pharaohs". Seeing those models made me think about the old days when I was playing Lego with my brother when I was still in HK. The models shown in Science Worlds were a lot more massive, and complex, and knowing the builders use only the regular Lego bricks made me keep saying "WOW!" hahaha...I love the models!
Caption: The photo shown on the left is the sign outside Science World.

This is one of the many sets of Lego display shown in Science World. I wonder how many months the builders spent on designing and building them...

This is the biggest Lego display in Science World. It's life size! Even the pole on the right is Leo made.

Anyway, after we left Science World, we walked outside along the outside of the Science World. I love the talks with Duckie. hehehee... I took some more pictures, and these are two of the many photos I took.

Caption: Beautiful Vancouver!

Caption: Science World
Nice lego XD
So happy to see things like this!!!
I mean they are lego!! WHO CAN RESIST??
So happy to see them with you too!!
Kitty, you should post that wave move thinge XD
I think that's another cool thing!!
I love you
hi amadeus,
It's really nice of you to send me comments everyday. I was soo happy. That's really true. I rarely had a chance to see Duckie outside of school. Honestly, I think Duckie is more like my schoolmate than actual boyfriend. I think that because we usually see each other in school, and ONLY in school. That's kinda sad. During the past semester, I had never got a chance to see him outside school, like home, malls, or even public libraries.
Anyway, I love the lego models. Did you ever get a chance to play with Lego bricks? hahahaa
It's kinda childish, but if you are really good at it, I think it's more fun than real toy models. You can actually build almost everything you want.
I miss you too. Take care!
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bcall (Duckie),
hahahaa....I can resist, you know? I think the next topic in Science World is more interesting. It's about human bodies.
You can check out the site too, actually.
Oooh...the wave thingie? hmm...I gotta upload that file to one of my webspaces, and I was too lazy to resize the video, so I didn't do that. If you want, I can do that later....but I might not. hahaha...because I think I will mention something else in the next blog entry instead.
love you,
I love reading your messages. They make me really happy. Thanks for always taking your time writing me messages.
What kind of Lego did you used to play? It's really nice to know more about you.
I had read your e-mail, and I had replied you too. It's really short, but I hope you enjoy reading it.
take care,
You had Lego when you were back in 1950's? Were the Lego toys really expensive back then? You know? Nowadays...they are really expensive, so I thought they would be really expensive too.
I got a lot hugs from you. hehehe
I hope you had enjoyed reading your e-mail from me. ^^
1950's lego O_O
that's soooo good lego XD
I remember i never had any lego when i was a kid ar
but I bought myself some when i was like 15 years old or something, some fun, i still have them, only a few small boxes though.
duckie duckie
That's really really COOL ar!!
You went to the Science World, saw those great stuff and took those nice photos!!
I bet your date's really s-weet s-weet!! Heehee!~
It sounds so sweet already...hahaha..^0^..can't imagine it LIVE..hahaha.!!
I still have them
but i hid it in the closet XD
Since i got no where to put them
I only got 2 or 3 legos in total
I think i have 3 but i only remember 2 of them.
One of them is a mini mini super mini spaceship XD (it only has less than 20 pieces :D)
The other one is a pirate ship, that one is bigger and better. However, it is still pretty small XD, cos i don't really have money for toys as usual. (sad, i still don't have money for stuff that i like XD)
Duckie duckie
bcall (duckie),
I used to have a lot of Lego sets...but now, I don't play them anymore.
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I don't know if that was really sweet ar. I just know....a few days later, Duckie got really sick, and I was left alone for a loong time. Now, he is recovered, and I don't know what to say anymore, or how to face him.
I guess that was really sweet gua. who knows...lol
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How are you? soo cool that your parents bought them for you. My parents bought the Lego sets for me and my brother too. hehehe...
There was a story behind Lego, actually, but I don't think I will mention it here.
take care,
I had an awesome day today with you, kittyangel!!
Really really HAPPY...^0^!!!
LOL!!! Hope we are always this happy everyday...hahaha...^^!!
I am so glad you were really happy. hhehehee
I was soo busy in the past few days. I didn't even get a chance to see your comments tim. I am really sorry about that.
I hope we can have more fun together la. hehehe
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hi amadeus,
I miss you too. I had been really busy. For most of the time (as mentioned in the e-mail I sent you), I had been out having some fun. hahaha
Yeah...it was really fun playing Lego, but we seemed to lose interest at it when we came to Canada about 10 years ago. hahaha
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Thanks for visiting my site, awesometanninglotions. Had you ever play with Lego too?
You can try to talk to me if you see me online in your MSN. If my status is online, for most of the time, I will be able to chat with you. hehehe
I will see if I can chat with you in these few days. School starts next Tuesday. So, hopefully, I can talk to you more before I get busy again.
see you soon,
I am trying to look for you in MSN messenger right now. Hopefully, you are going to come online soon.
Maybe you went out or something, but I do hope I can talk to you when I am actually on the computer.
I miss you too. Hopefully, I can see you soon.
I am really sorry to hear that your DSL was having problems. I hope I can find another time to chat with you later. I didn't get to chat with you today, so hopefully, I can chat with you tomorrow.
We still have a lot of chances to see each other in MSN, so don't worry about it.
How did you manage to fix your DSL connection? I am glad you have your internet back. For internet users like you, it must be really frustrating.
I will try to chat to you soon. Remember, we have lots of times...and we can always chat in here, or e-mail.
No wonder you had been disconnecting and missing my messages. I sent you a few messages today, but you didn't seem to be able to read my messages.
I hope you will fix your connection problem soon.
take care,
That's ok, amadeus. We can chat together later. We always have time for each other, isn't it? =)
take care,
I will try to send you a message today. I will see if I have time. Of course, you are always welcomed to leave me a message while I am away. It's always nice to read your messages.
I will reply your e-mail (if you sent one to me) tonight after my dinner. I came back from work 1.5 hours ago, and it got me really tired (because of thie kids, and stress). I really hope I can relax a bit, and watch some TV. =)
It's not just stress that I am suffering from currently. Duckie is leaving me alone all the time, making me so unhappy.
Anyway, I will be happier by watching more TV, or perhaps...play some DS games.
I guess he is not doing that on purpose...but I will talk to him more, and see why he is doing that.
Do you think he loves me enough? I know he is busy, but it doesn't mean he should be ignoring me right?
Chatting online will make me happy too, but our timezone is different, and usually when I am back, or free, you are offline already. Please don't be sad, my brother. I always think about you.
I talked to him. He said he had never ignored me. So...is it because I am a bit too sensitive? or is it him who ignored me but never admitted it? You know? I had always wondered if my feeling is real. What do you think about me?
I am sorry that I didn't even time enough time to check my e-mails. I told you in my previous e-mail that I didn't sleep till 2am. I hope you will understand.
Maybe you are right. Duckie just wants to concentrate on school a bit more. He had mentioned to me that he wanted to have a better future so he could take care of me. I know that sounds really sweet, but I don't know if he is just making an excuse. Have you talk to him these days? I really wonder what he has in his mind. I start to realize that we treat our loves a bit differently. You know? For example, duckie wants to make sure the future goes well as well, and I care more about the present. I always think, if the present isn't good enough, how can take care of the future?
What do you think?
That's alright, amadeus. He is trying not to make me sad. I had talked to him in MSN, and we decide to see each other more in MSN. Well, I know he had been busy with his assignments, so I will try really hard to give him some free times, and hopefully, that will not upset me too much.
Thanks, my dear brother. I know everything will work out fine. ^^
I just got another argument today, but we had a talk at night to sort things out. I think communication is the most important thing. If we don't talk about this problem, we can never solve the issue.
Don't worry. I am feeling a lot better now. What I want now is to concentrate on my work, and do as good as I can for my upcoming school assignments. ^^
Don't worry about me. I will always have some time to relax and have some fun. Remember? I am a really lazy person. hahahaa....so I should worry about getting my work done first before I have some fun. =P
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