I am just here to say Merry Christmas to all of you. May your new year (2007) be a lot happier and happier!
What's your new plan for the new year? Any ideas?
學如逆水行舟,不進則退 (Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.) - Chinese proverb
Hi Kittyangel,
I Love you my sweet sister. Please a smile and hug. I miss you dearly.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
I miss you a lot too. Please don't miss me too much though. I don't want you to feel sad because of me. Please...be happy and stay happy for a new year.
Merry Christmas, and happy 2007.
take care,
Hi Kittyangel,
I Love you my dear sweet sister. Please a smile and hug. I miss you and our chats. Hope that you are having a wonderful time with you family.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
Merry Christmas, WEEEEEE*~
"We Wish You A MERRY X'MAS,
We Wish You A MERRY X'MAS,
We Wish You A MERRY X'MAS,
I sing & YOU dance!!~
hihi! You shouldn't miss me too much. I am still here communicating with you, even if that is a slower way...but I know we are chatting, and communicating. I will have a great time with my family. Thanks! I hope you are happy with your family also.
take care,
:| thanks thanks! Thanks for the song..hahaha...can I dance in here instead? =P
*starts dancing*
Hi Kityangel,
I Love You my dear sister. The best sister. Please a smile and hug. Hope that you have a great time with family. Hope to have a real chat soon.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
Merry Christmas
I had been away from my computer for most of the time today. I had been trying to watch movies, and tomorrow, I will go out with my family to see the boxing day sale. hahaha...not like I will really want to get anything tomorrow, but I feel like I want to join the crowd.
How about you?
Merry Christmas,
Hi Kityangel,
I hope that you will have a wonderful time with your family today. You deserve to smile and have fun. Hope that you have time to enjoy movies also. A live chat would be great also.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
But it's not LIVE dancing wor..
That dancing didn't count..X)
And Dun worry, my song didn't count too..it's rehearsal/bonus~
I'll PERFORM again...LIVE!
I had a great time with my family. Thanks for caring. How about you? What did you do on Christmas day? What did you do on Boxing Day? May I know anything?
Sharing is always good...
hahaha...it's ok la, kinki jie jie. It's still dancing jei...isn't it? *wink*
hehehee...you performed ga la...and it counted...so no more dancing for you la...*laugh*
i think u meant 'no more "singing"' for me...hahaha...
but i thought you would like to ENCORE..~>.<~
btw, when did the 'jie jie' calling come back?! *frown*
Hi Kittyangel.
I'm happy to hear that you had a wonderful time with your family. I had you in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping that you smile and be happy during your vacation. I had a relaxing day on Christmas with my wife. Got a lot of bargains on boxing day, The mall of packed. I agree sharing is a good idea. Don't have anything new. I miss you very much.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
hahaha...I really don't know. I don't like to encore la, but thanks for that anyway. *wink*
hehehe...I don't know when "jie jie" came back ga...hahaha...I just the name fits you too much gua....
I am so glad I could chat with you tonight in MSN. I hope you felt the same way as well. I will keep smiling and be happy in this vacation. I don't feel too well these days, so I guess I will rest more these days. ^^ What did you get on Boxing Day? Do you want to share with me? =P
take care,
Hi Kittyangel,
Our chat last evening made me very happy also. Hope that it can occur more often. It makes both of us happy. I hope that you will follow my suggestions. Want you to have more comfort and sleep better. Yes, had a great boxing day. Christmas Cards for next year, candles, specialty cookies and candies, calendar, and DVD's.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
I slept better last night, so I guess that's really good. =) hahaha...You got yourself Christmas cards already? You know what? I think everyone does the same thing. They never really want to get Christmas cards before Christmas, because those cost a lot more. Don't you think so?
It seems like you got a lot of things. What DVD's did you get? If you don't mind, please share with me. =)
Yes, we have our Christmas Cards for next year. Yes definitely, because the cards are 50% after Christmas. I'm so happy to hear that you slept better. Hope that you will share more in MSN.
Yes you know that I enjoy sharing with my sister, It makes me very happy when you ask questions. DVD's "Sinatra Vegas" as box set 4 CD's and 1 DVD, "Jersey Boys" and "V for Vendetta,"
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
I sleep a lot better now, and less tired. I feel much better =) Thanks for giving me some suggestions when we were talking in MSN a few days ago, and also on e-mail.
Did you start watching the DVD's? It will be nice to hear from you about the shows.
take care,
It makes me very happy that you took my suggestions to heart. Proper rest is very important. With the Iron you should continue to feel better.
So far I haven't watched any of the DVD's. I promise to share with my sister.
I hope that you had a wonderful New Years Eve with your family. I Happy New Year my dear sister for ever,
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
Please share with me when you had watched the DVD's. hehehe..thanks.
I had a great new year eve with my family. I couldn't celebrate anything with my boyfriend, but I guess that's ok. I am a bit used to it already.
I will share with you when I watch the DVD's, promise. We both need to share, to make the other happy.
I'm happy that you had a New Years Eve with your family. A very important time of sharing. It's good that you are accepting of Duckie. Just know that I'm always here for you. ALways in my thoughts and prayers. Love in my heart.
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
I am glad you want to share with me as well. =)
As for Duckie, I guess I need to accept him....hahaha...afterall, he is the one I love, isn't it? ;)
I didn't see him for a long time. It makes me think of how much I miss him already, when I start talking about him.
A brother and sister should share, it will brings us closer and make us happy. You are special.
I'm sorry to hear about duckie. Have always said to be careful and be sure to take care of self. Please a smile and hug. You Love me a lot also?
With Love,
*Hugs - kiss cheeks*
It's another type of love I have for you, amadeus. Of course, it's a lot different from love I had to Duckie. I hope you understand.
Of course, I still care about you a lot. I want you to feel happy too. =)
You are always special to me.
I am really happy that you think I am really special. You are my special brother too. =P
I am really glad I know you.
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