April 15, 2007

My forever cute cat

Duckie left me alone again, but he is always like that whenever he feels sad. I remember there was a time when he felt upset because of his midterm, he left me alone for such a long time. He didn't answer my calls, and he wasn't on MSN (WLM). Will he always be like that?

Another cute picture from my cat. =)


Anonymous said...

dun be sad, maybe he didn't want to pass on his upset mood to you leh!
...dun be sad, cheer up! *^.^*

ur kitty looks COOL...looking [cool(cold)] at the camera..heee.."it's like saying "u taking photo of me 'again'"!? hahaa!~

Annie said...


hahaha...yeah...right. He doesn't care about others when he is feeling sad ga...and he just left me again to sleep without saying another word. he is...sigh....a stupid person. XD

really? I think she is always like that though. XD
And she has a weird personality...she likes to sleep in a new place every few days...=S


Amadeus said...

A very cute picture, well done. Hoping that my sister is happy.

Annie said...


I am not really that happy...anyway...doesn't matter.


Amadeus said...


I'm very sorry to hear that my sister isn't happy. It maters a lot to me because you are my sweet sister. Please a smile and hug.

With Love,


*Hugs & kisses*