May 15, 2007

My "mosquito bites"

I went to check with the doctor last night after work. My doctor told me they weren't mosquito bites, but a sign of my allergy to something unknown. least I know what to do, so that's all good.

Besides that, I had been pretty busy doing a lot of minor things. I don't even have a lot of time drawing on the computer, which I miss it a lot. TT Hopefully, I can have one drawing this weekend, but I will see. No guarantees here.

Picture time!

This is what my cat is doing (at this very moment!)

My cat is sooo fat. hahahahaa

P.S. By the way, for those of you are wondering why there is a spot on the cat's face that has no fur...Well, it was like that when we first found her on the street. =S don't know.


Amadeus said...

Hi Kittyangel,

The pictures are very nice as always. You have a cat that is always so cute. Well done with the pictures, think that you will do well with your class. Will be anxious to here how is goes. please. As you care so do I care also.

I got another very disturbing note today on SpyMac. Someone sent me a threat on behalf of m8trix. Quite surprise because he sent me a conciliatory note. Mentioned that he spoke to you. I pray that he didn't scare you. Are we still tight siblings forever?

Happy that you know what is actually happing on your skin. Must know the cause and that will make the treatment easier. Hope that your skin feels much better.

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Anonymous said... it's an allergy..
wonder what u're allergic to??

humm..maybe it's your PSP..
..LOL!~ that would be funny..


hope you get better soon la..
..and be PRETTY again..*shines*

Amadeus said...


Hope that your skin feels much better now that you know how to treat your allergies, You are in my thoughts and prayers 24/7. Hope that all is well with school and your job. I Love you my sweet sister and care very much.

I hope that you listen to all my words in my E.Mail yesterday. Please a smile and hug, did not want to upset you. Is your brother forgiven?

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Annie said...


That's very weird. m8trix told me that he was just trying to explain all those to you, and he said he wouldn't try to use any words to hurt your feelings. From what I know, he doesn't want to hurt you, but only want you to understand his problem and situation.




I don't know...I don't think it's my PSP. I got this allergy before I got my PSP. hahaha




I don't know if it's much better. The old marks are now gone, but I still have some new red spots coming to me...I don't know if you understand what I am talking about...because I don't know how you call those red spots on the skins. =S


Amadeus said...


Please believe me, can't trust anything that m8trix says. Will explain we we chat, he has added addition very serious threats. Kristie unwilling or won't help.

With Love,


Annie said...


From what I know, he chatted with you today in iChat. Am I right? He told me about this in PM in The Nations forum. I don't know what's the issue here, but I hope the problem will be resolved soon.
