June 4, 2007

What I am up to.

I think my site becomes a photo album..hahaha..with no actual content of what I am actually doing. Maybe I should say something of what I am up to these days.

Well, in these few days, I had been trying to catch up with my readings, and start implementing my first Atom 1.0 feed reader. =) If you don't know what it is, you can ask me later. If you want the answer faster, just search it up. Most blog sites have this feature, even the site I am blogging in right now (Blogger.com).

Anyway...time for more pictures! I will try to write more too...I guess. =P

And for all the ones who had commented me in Blogger about the finding the dog question, I will give you a prize soon. =) Stay tuned.


Birdy on a rock



Amadeus said...

Hi Kitty,

Yes, I would like to find more about Atom 1.0 from my sister. Thanks for you brief chat last evening, made me happy. Hoping that it caused you to smile and be happy also. Please a smile and hug. Hoping that you are getting you need rest and nutrition. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your additional pictures are beautiful, thanks. Will be patient, so want to have a nice chat with my sister,

With LOve,


*Hugs and kisses*

Anonymous said...

is that a rock in the middle of the sea/ocean (with the bird standing on top of it)?! 0_0 that looks funny...LOL!~

Annie said...


So...did you find out what the feed reader is? =P




Yup. It's a rock! =D hahaha..I think it looks very cool! =D


Amadeus said...


I'm not sure that I understand you question? I Love my sister and support you 24/7.

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*