Urgh...furthermore, I have a quiz to do this coming weekend and I don't even have time to study yet.
It's funny to hear how my ECON prof says that ECON is all analytical, and in order to do good at it, you gotta know the concept, and not just reading the textbook. Well...I agree, but I think most of the other courses are like that...isn't it? Well...unless you are doing history, I guess. All profs think the subjects they are doing are very hard...and that's the funny part.
Anyway, out of all the courses, I think CMPT is always the most analytical, and least-able-to-study subject. It has its good side. If you understand it, great! You don't really have to study, but at the same time, there are sooo many algorithms that you gotta know, and so, you are probably stuck reading the algorithm and try to understand what it means when you are reading the pseudocode.
Well...as for my COOP job hunt, I hope I can land on a job soon. There are some new jobs available on the website, but I am too busy to apply for more, and I don't have time to do more job interviews anyway. I do need to concentrate on my work, and do well in school. That's my goal for now. =)
Anyway, that's my little update. Take care! =)
Hi Kittyangel,
Thank you very much for the update, it makes me happy. Very much appreciated. I know that you are a busy young lady. You are in my prayers 24/7 as always. I will be thinking of you with your tech evaluation on thursday. I'm so very proud of my dear sister. Thanks for being my sister forever, both of us happy.
I'm confident that you will find time to study for th quiz. Have no doubt whatsoever that you will do a good job.
It does seem that each Professor thinks that you only have their course alone. Please smile and concentrate and do your best because your brother love's and supports you.
Please a smile and hug from your brother, as always makes me happy that you do every night as I do also and thinking of my Sister, the best on ever. Just be patient and remember what I have been telling you. I promise that my sister has a job out there that is just for you. Please don't lack confidence, you know that you will always have me. I agree as you know I do on how very important that school is for you at the moment. I think about you with job, as promised. Also promise that I'm there with your goal also.
With Love,
*Hugs & Kisses*
So you are taking an ECON course right now?? didn't know that tim..
..btw...which one are you taking?
Thanks for your long comment. I am still very busy right now, so I will keep everything short.
I hope I will have enough time, but thanks for your encouragement.
I try to drink a lot of water these days. It's getting really hot in Vancouver. How about the place you are living right now?
It's just that ECON 103 course. hahaha...nothing interesting.
Hi Kittyangel,
I just have so much that I want to say to my sister, that is the reason for the long comment. You are my dear sister and I care. Happy to hear that you are drinking plenty of water, should be at least 6 - 8 glasses per day.
You are in thoughts and prayers as always. Hoping that you will be able to smile and concentrate doing a good job on your school work. I wish that I knew when your tech evaluation presentation was so that I could of of on time for support.
You are my dear sister, I care very much. I'm very proud of my sister. I always Love to be of encouragement to my sister forever.
With Love,
*Hugs & Kisses*
I'm hoping that you will did well with your tech evaluation presentation yesterday. I prayed for my sister, for confidence. Praying now that you will have time to study for your quiz this weekend. Confident that you will do well. Please smile and concentrate on school and job this day, knowing that your brother cares and supports you. So much miss you r/t closer contact.
With Love,
*Hugs & Kisses*
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