August 3, 2007


Honestly, after a few group assignments, I truthfully understand what BUS 272's meaning of teamwork. I can feel it developing, and at the end...we become the most efficient team. That is totally amazing, yet sad, since we spent most of the time knowing each other, and understand what each other is better at.

Programming will become a big part of my life...I think. hahaha

but I am wondering...if I will that happy that I always need to see code in my life.

What do you think when you see something as simple as this?
def self.authenticate(userName, password)
find(:first, :conditions => ["userName = ? and password = ?", userName, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(password)])
This is only 1/1000 of our coding lines...hahaha...

This might be harder than many fields out there, but I guess if I like it, I should be ok with it? ;)

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