September 24, 2007

A small update

I didn't write anything for a while. I guess it's because I am pretty busy at work, and a bit lazy when I am at home.

Anyway, I will just write about something I did in these two days.

Guess what? I am rearranging my living room!

It was actually my brother's and my idea. We want to make our living room bigger, and easier for us to play PS3 and Wii. =)

I guess this is what I get when we were moving stuff around....hahahhaaaaa

I will do more updates later...when everything becomes more tidy. ;)


Anonymous said...

you have a Wii??
you didn't tell me geh..*}{*

is it very fun??
i wanna PLAY too.. .. ..

and i guess u can do one of those 'before and after' pic when u finish rearranging ur room...heehee*~!

Annie said...


Yup. I have one...but I don't think it's that important...and I don't want people to think I am showing off and stuff, so I didn't tell anyone lor

it doesn't have a lot of it's not that fun..hahaha

as for the cleaning up, it's not really finished yet, so I guess I will show you later when it gets cleaner. ;)


Anonymous said...

We(I) know that you are not showing off ma...I consider it as a happy thing to know ^0^!!

you guys must have a lot of garbage...oh..i mean...'things' in clean up..*giggles*~

Annie said...


Well...not everyone knows, and I hate people who are showing off...and so I didn't say much about it lor. ;)

There are a lot of garbages!

Still a lot of things to clean up. ;)


Anonymous said...

well..i just told u that i got a new phone..but seems as though i might be showing off..but i just wanna tell u that i wasn't trying to do that ga...

..coz i mean i told u about dropping/breaking my phone before i just wanna tell u that i got (a new) one today lor (+ trying out the messaging thingie along the way)^^"

..really hope you know what i mean la..pls dun hate me..*eyes watering*

Annie said...


I don't hate you at all...cos you are not showing off. ;)
Don't worry about it.

So what are you going to do with your broken cellphone? Are you going to recycle it? ;)

I thought Rogers gives you a bag for recycle..hahaha


Anonymous said...

ya..i think there's a recycle bag in the box, but i dun think i will recycle my phone at this moment! did you recycle urs?

i just put it away for now. the phone still's just that the plastic cover's off..(but i taped it back la)..keeekeee..

Annie said...


I didn't recycle mine...since the phone recycling program was out only around a year ago, and I didn't get this bag back recycling the phone wasn't that well known. If they give me this bag now, I will definitely do that, because I get to help other people ar mah. ;)

So I don't know...hahaha
