February 7, 2008

Wish list/To Do list

Wish list (or you can call it a table)

ItemChance of getting itReason
SFU hoodiesalmost 100%I want to keep it as a memory
MacBook Air~20%I love Macs!
iPhone...for obvious reasons.

To do list
  • Make a Facebook application (no idea what to do yet) when I have time next semester
  • Get a part-time job after April
  • Study study study...
  • Do another co-op term
  • Plan to graduate before 2010 ends. XD

EDIT (Feb 07, 2008): add a new row in the wish list.
EDIT (Feb 08, 2008): change "cellphone" to "BlackBerry", and the reason of wanting to get it, as well as the chance of getting it.
EDIT (Feb 10, 2008): change "BlackBerry" to "BlackBerry/G900"
EDIT (Feb 16, 2008): remove BlackBerry from the list.
EDIT (Mar 09, 2008): change G900 to iPhone.


Anonymous said...

I got one of ur item listed in ur wish list!! Haha..of coz, it's not the MacBook la~
lol~I got a SFU hoodies! =)

In your To Do list, do you mean to 'create' a Facebook application of your own? (or did I get u wrong?!)

You are such a good planner, and I truly believe that you'll fulfill and reach all the wishes & goals!!

Add Oil!!~ *cheers*

Annie said...


You got a SFU hoodies? wow! Which one did you get? Is it the one that is from ECON or something? I want to get the one from CS or BUS, or maybe just the general one from SFU..=P

I do mean "create" or "make". It's actually the same thing, unless you think "make" is referring to something else.

I do plan a lot...but things always turn out to be something really different. I hope I can do what I want la. ;)


Anonymous said...

I got one from the Econ department.
It was on sale during one of the Clubs Days a few of weeks ago!

Heheee..i guess 'make'='create'..but I wasn't sure if that was what u mean before ma..:P Now i know, and that's so cool! Remember to let me know when u r done making it! :D


Annie said...


That's sooo cool! Did you wear it? How does it look? I never saw anyone wearing an Econ one before. =P

You should try it on and show it to me. =P

I don't know...I don't even have an idea of what to make for the Facebook application yet. And I don't even know the language...so I have to learn that first...hahaha

I will probably just say it...and forget about it. XD


Anonymous said...

I tried it on at home, but I don't plan to wear it..coz I bought it for 'collection' too..hehe!~

You know what, I saw ppl wearing it to classes all the time..(days right after they sold it)..mostly guys wearing them though..funny*~

Btw, T-shirts were also on sale too. And there's 2 colours: Blue and Maroon. What I bought was a Maroon Hoodies.

Maybe I'll show u a pic of it the next time I see u in MSN la..^,^~!

And dun worry, I'll remind/ask you about your progress on ur to-be-made facebook application ga la..hahaha!~

Annie said...


That's soo nice! I wish I can get one toooooo!

How much was yours? Is it around 40 dollars? I want to get the CS one, but I don't know if I should really get it....

Show me a picture! I want to see it! =P

As for the facebook application...I really don't know. I need an idea first! =)


Anonymous said...

My hoodies was $30 (no tax). I guess it's not expensive given it's a hoodies (i mean clothing made with similar material cost the same if not more).

You SHOULD really get it!!! *100% Support* But you have time ma..I think you could always buy it (anytime) from the department right?! So THINK about it more...and then BUY IT...heee*~

And haha..you want a Blackberry now..the chance has increased to ~40% for getting a phone now..cool!~ Remember to SHOW me when you have it la..lol*~

Annie said...


hahaha...I don't know. I think I will get it from the CS department, and from what I know, the price is 27 dollars, so I guess it's not too bad. I also want the BUS version too, but I realize it's around 45 dollars! maaan...it's just the same....I don't know why it is much more expensive!

As for the BlackBerry...I just changed my mind. I think you will notice that the next time you come here. =P


Anonymous said...

I guess you have probably changed your mind AGAIN (as I am commenting your blog) on which phone to get..hahaha~

Wonder why the BUS is costing more than CS..maybe it's just the department trying to make a profit!!

So when are you planning to buy your PHONE? I wanna SEE it..kee!~ MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! lol*~

Annie said...


Yup. I changed my mind again. =P

I don't know when I will get the phone yet...since my wanted phone isn't even out yet. =P

as for the hoodies...I really don't know as well. I will think about which one I will get. They both look pretty similar. Maybe I will go get the general SFU one instead.


Anonymous said...

I see you've changed ur mind again..(taking out the Blackberry)..lol!~

Btw..I saw an ad from the magazine..it's the SE K850i..is that the phone u used to like..?! so u dun like that one now la..coz that's not on ur wish list anymore..?!

Oh ya, did you go out today/nite (Sat)? Coz u're offline geh?!

Annie said...


Yup. I changed my mind. That's because I probably don't need to send a lot of e-mails after I finished co-op. =P

And yes...that's a k850i I used to like, but I don't want to add it to my list now. The main reason is because it's now a Rogers phone! hahahahaa

Besides that, it's still a really cool phone, even though I want a better phone. =P

And oh yeah....I didn't go online. I was studying at home! =)


Anonymous said...

what's the matter with Rogers' phone?? what's wrong with that?

aren't u using Rogers too?

Annie said...


Rogers lock their phones...that's why.
