April 28, 2008


I am soo used to waking up early in the morning. It's soo hard to readjust myself again after 8 months of working in Yaletown.

I am sooo bored....help me. =(

Maybe I should review my Haskell stuff again before school starts...

I miss work....and the people at work. =(

Arrgghh....I know work wasn't exactly fun when I was there, but at least I learned a lot of things.

April 26, 2008

Selling my book

I am currently waiting for the girl outside the coffee shop. How
boring.... When is she going to be here? -____-!!

Update (April 26, 2008): It turned out that she arrived SFU 10 minutes after I added this entry to my blog. I was just a bit bored waiting for her.

My unofficial work term report

My co-op ended today...

I learned a lot from my buddy. I thank him for helping me along the way.
I will probably miss my frequent meetings I had with my buddy...I don't mean that I will miss getting my codes reviewed. I only miss the times when I spent the time sharing common interests with my buddy.

I will also miss a lot of my friends I know from work. That includes a few people I know on my first day, and in the orientation.

And I will miss my team. The whole translation team will be missed. Maybe I can go back to visit them...hahaha

April 24, 2008

Getting more sick

I am getting more sick, and worst of all, I can't even get rest!
I have so many things that I need to do these days, and as the result, I always end up leaving work at around 6:00PM. =(

Anyway, thanks for everyone who cares about me. I will get more rest after this Friday.

April 20, 2008

I am worried...

Due to my sickness I had in the last few days, I had a lot problems focusing on my work.
I think my exam suffered from that as well.
I hope I did ok.
I hope...I pray...

April 17, 2008

Not feeling alright

I feel so sick these days. The symptoms aren't so visible...so people tend to think I am joking.
I feel so weak though...

Get well soon...kittyangel.

April 10, 2008

Programming...is hard?

Next semester, I will continue to do programming....but it's so different from the ones I did in the past.

I did some Haskell programming in the past, but I can't remember most of the syntax...hahaha

What do you think of this piece of homework I did in the past?
All of the these codes below actually do the same thing, and have the same result...
(links had been removed)
Note: Haskell, Prolog and Java are programming languages.

These codes were written two years ago. I had changed some of the file extensions so there are no problems in your browser.

I will remove the links later..haha

UPDATE: I had changed the directory of the codes. I realized Google crawled through my site yesterday. As the result, everyone in the world can search for my codes. =S
username to get in: codereader
password: codepass

Update (April 19, 2008): I had removed the links, just to be safe.

April 9, 2008

Busy, but still want to write

Funny...why do I still want to come here to write random things, when I am so tired working.
I am actually quite amazed on how much time I had spent everyday on just work in these two weeks:
  • wake up at 6:15am (every working day except Tuesday) or 5:15am (Tuesday)
  • Get to work at around 8:35am or 7:35am
  • lunch time at around 12:00pm, eat and chat till around 1:00pm
  • back to work till around 5:30pm.
  • arrive home at around 6:30pm-7:00pm
  • eat a bit of things...
  • continue to work, but this time...my school stuff
  • sleep at around 12:30am
arrgh...and that means, I don't have enough sleep...haha
I guess...for these two weeks, this will continue.
This blog will be the only thing to "release" my stress...or a place for me to ...whine?

Anyway, I will go sleep now...and start another day of work...-__-!!

April 6, 2008

Some random pictures

As you can probably tell, this is my new phone. Nothing exciting, as you probably everything about this phone already. I am not trying to show off...I just uploaded this because this is a request from my best friend. ;)

And see how much I had to do? Well....and I got so distracted by sooo many things, and of course, these distractions include....this (see photo below).

Facebook! hahahaha
And the time for me to shoot these photos.

Redesigning my homepage

I had decided to redesign my homepage (not this blog). Hopefully, I can show you guys when I have something interesting to show.

I am using Joomla! as my CMS. It's pretty interesting, but it's quite hard to use, especially when I had never used it before. I had used Mambo before, but I find it quite different from Joomla!, even though they used to belong to the same group, I think.

Anyway, if you don't know what I am talking about, watch the below video instead. I know this is an old song from Hong Kong, but I still love it!

鄧麗欣 - 電燈膽 KTV (Lightbulb [That is the direct translation, but it actually means the "extra person" to a couple])

April 5, 2008


I know I am supposed to be...studying...but I ended up spending 3 hours on Joomla!

Stupid me....

I need to control myself tomorrow...hahaha
I will be lazy for today.

After that, I will learn more about Joomla! =D

April 3, 2008

Work term report

I guess I am finally done for my work term report for now. I better go study for my final soon....