April 10, 2008

Programming...is hard?

Next semester, I will continue to do programming....but it's so different from the ones I did in the past.

I did some Haskell programming in the past, but I can't remember most of the syntax...hahaha

What do you think of this piece of homework I did in the past?
All of the these codes below actually do the same thing, and have the same result...
(links had been removed)
Note: Haskell, Prolog and Java are programming languages.

These codes were written two years ago. I had changed some of the file extensions so there are no problems in your browser.

I will remove the links later..haha

UPDATE: I had changed the directory of the codes. I realized Google crawled through my site yesterday. As the result, everyone in the world can search for my codes. =S
username to get in: codereader
password: codepass

Update (April 19, 2008): I had removed the links, just to be safe.


Anonymous said...

Your blog title should have been "Programming IS HARD!" instead..heehee!~

i just looked at ur codes..
what are they supposed to be?

Annie said...


Hmm...it's not that hard..hahaha

just that I couldn't remember how I managed to program those stuff.

All these programs are supposed to solve one problem, and that is to find the number of ways to connect vertices in a graph. =)
