Duckie just went to bath, and I was like err.....yet laughing at what duckie sent to me in MSN, when he didn't know I could read his words, but I couldn't send him anything, and he thought I was mad at him. Oh well, I sent him 2 e-mails, along with a SMS. I never knew he replied me to my cellphone, and I turned it off long ago. Luckily, I was hoping he would send me a message in cell, so I turned it on again, and found out I just got another message from my lovely duckie.
Anyway, today, was really tiring. I woke up at 6:00am (really really early), and attended the tutorial, where I got the answers for assignment 3. I had a break after, and I thought that duckie would come to me, but he didn't. I was a bit disappointed, but I could kind of guess that he wouldn't come anyway, so I didn't feel too sad afterwards. After ECON lecture, I had this BUEC tutorial, where we got answers for the past midterm (from Fall 2005, the one Kinki took, I think). After that, I went back to Kumon for work. While I was taking the bus and skytrain back home, I met this guy who suddenly said hi to me, when he realized I was in his class (BUEC) too. We talked till he got out of the skytrain at the Columbia station. It was
Anyway, work was really tiring. I work till around 7:00pm. Too bad John had no food left, or I could eat his food again. I asked him,haahaha, and he said, if I want to, he can buy me food next time, but I refused. lol...
I came back home afterwards....then started talking to Peter, on random topics too. It was really
My cat is sleeping right beside me again. She is such a nice friend. haaha...staring at me trying to fall asleep, I guess. mom is still trying to force me to wear more, but of course, I will never do that. =)
*starts praying for tomorrow*