Today, my family (included me, of course) went to eat all-you-can-eat. It was sooo tasty, and got me all full. hahahaa....I love sushi!
And, today, we went to Aberdeen Centre becuase my mom wanted to do something in HSBC bank. Meanwhile, I just walked around, and I saw this cute shirt..hahaa...

Anyway, after that, we went to Staples for a walk, then we went back home, and I slept like a pig.
Considering I just ate all-you-can-eat and went to sleep after about an hour, I just realized it was quite bad an idea. hahaaa
Duckie, I miss you. Wish you are having a lot of fun.
hehee...glad you are happy when I am happy.
amadeus, I didn't buy that shirt, so I can't wear that shirt and show you how i look like with that shirt. sorry sorry! know? when duckie isn't here, I feel like the days i had before i met him. maybe...just maybe...that i realize i can be happy without him too, that i can be independent as before. you know? after i met him, i became a lot more dependent, especially on him. hehee...
have a nice weekend,
Hey that's a really nice nice t-shirt :P
Bring me to the shop and see see when we have time :D
hehe good to hear you are having a fun time on your own too kitty kitty kitty
*tickle tickle*
*hug hug*
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