On Monday, I woke up at about 11:00am, then I read a book called "Marley and Me" for about half an hour. I checked out some websites, talked to duckie in msn for a while, then I went to work. When I came back from work, it's already about 7:35pm. I went to eat something, then I took a bath. I watched some TV while eating dinner, washed the dishes, then I went to sleep.
On Tuesday (today), I thought I could see duckie, as he told me on Sunday that I could see him. However, he told me that he was tired, and he didn't want to come out. blaaaah....excuse for him. I do hate him, but oh well.....takes too much energy to hate him right now.
And...just now, he told me he wants to go biking. Man...how much I hate him. He said he wanted to stay home yesterday, so he could rest or something. Now, he says he wants to go out on his own. ..... What can I say? I am feeling so sad...I hope someone can realy comfort me now.
Anyway, I had modified my old desktop computer a bit. This is how my computer is like right now. (lol...what a mess, but oh well).

thanks for cheering me up when i was sad. I don't feel anything anymore, but I am so happy that you are here with me when I was really sad.
I don't hate him anymore...just a bit sad for what he did to me.
Thanks for your support. I know that, with all the help you give me, I can do whatever I want.
I will enjoy my bath today. ^^
and, special hugs too. ^^
hehee...that's my old LCD I bought a few years ago, actually. This is my older computer, and I don't use it a lot, unless I am having a holiday, like now. That phone...I don't really use it. hahaa...but it's nice when I need to phone someone urgently.
hehee....if i have a webcam someday, maybe we get a chance to talk to each other online. ^^
You think it looks really colorful? hahaa...sure...maybe it is...and a bit messy as well. I have like a few mice there. I was just comparing the mice i have... =P
take care,
You don't need to thank me anything, because I enjoyed chatting with you as well. It's actually me who wants to thank you, since you are the one who made me a lot happier after the event happened from yesterday.
hehee...I do hope life will be easier with duckie, and I hope everything will be happy again. hehee....I am still trying to solve our relationship problem.
Thanks for supporting me and praying for me everyday. Thanks for believing in me too. ^^
hhee...I really need to take a good bath today. It was raining outside, and I went out without an umbrella. hahaaa..
hehee...you like that picture? that's interesting. I never knew you will like looking at the picture as well. It was just a random picture that I took yesterday. It wasn't meant to be special or anything.
hehee...I still hope I can get my webcam setup. You know...I am using my laptop, and it's hard to clip on my webcam, since it is for a desktop computer. I will see what I can do with it.
heehe...I am happy to know that you think I am special. You are special to me too. hehee
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