I love these two stuffed animals sooo much. They are gifts from duckie, and they represent him and me loving each other. I love you, duckie. I love you!
學如逆水行舟,不進則退 (Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.) - Chinese proverb
oh no haha...me mo la la find this blog =D
haha u guys have fun! I am just pass by
very happy that you like them :D
love you
thanks. I think they are really really cute too. I love them soo much, and they are the best presents duckie had ever given to me.
I always value them. hehee
it's really good to know that we are always together, and you are here to support me. Thanks.
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damon gor gor,
waa...how did you find the place here ga? you scared me when I was approving the messages. hahaa...and you called yourself an anonymous..hahahaa You can use the "other" option ga mah...lol
nice to see you here, by the way. ^^
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duckie gor gor,
You have to know that, I am serious. They are the best presents you had given me. They are SOOOOO cute!
i love you.
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the kitty and the duckie are very cute ...(^,^)...i mean the stuffed animals ...wahaha...so s-weet s-weet(^3^)
hehee...he rarely gets me a gift, even if I ask him to. hahaha...I value the gifts he gave me, especially this duckie and kitty stuffed animals. They are too special to me.
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hehee...I love my kitty and duckie. hehee...*kiss kiss my stuffed animals* =P
hehee....I think they are actually looking better than me. How can i ever compare how i look with them? hahaa
You don't need to give me anything when we meet. hehe...
take care,
hehee...I will try, I will try. I am not too happy these days. In fact, I am not happy this year, in general.
You don't need to get me a gift. A hug in that meeting is more than enough for me. :)
I am not too happy these days. Today, I don't know, but I am still in a perfect mood to talk about my feelings.
See you soon.
And, you don't need to give me any gift. I am serious. haha
I had been trying to talk to you more. I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to talk to you today. I came back home at 7:00pm after work, and it was really late already.
Hope to see you soon.
Today is Thursday already, and I still haven't talk to you. I am really sorry. How are you these days?
I will try my best in school, and I know that I shouldn't give up. School works are hard, by the way.
It was raining at your place? Well, the weather was really cold in here too, actually. It's getting really windy here, and because I always open the door for my cat to go out, flies or bees always come to our house for a visit.
I will concentrate, as best as possible. ^^
take care,
hahahaa...there are flowers in my house, actually. Maybe that's why they are here.
my cat killed it though....oh well.
You are also special to me too. With you around in my blog, I am a very happy person. =)
Please take care of yourself too.
thinking about you,
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