I really want a MacBook. Not only it looks so white (or black), it is really useful for having more than one OS in one single laptop. I find that really amazing; it's like having my dream finally comes true.
I wish I can get one of those, but too bad I already own a laptop that works quite good already. It sounds like a waste of money for getting another computer that seems only a bit better than this current one.
Hmm...I guess I will really need to think about this.
hehee...I really wish to get one, but my biggest problem is the funding. I have a lot to pay already, and I don't think I should get one when I have a decent laptop, even though it's a Windows PC.
Do you know what's new in Rev. B? I am looking forward to it.
free offers....lol. I don't even know how I can one of those for free. I will need about 18 people doing an offer for me in order for me to get a free laptop. I don't think this is possible.
additional features...lol. that does sound good. haha...i will see it will happen next year.
well, that offer is good, but the offer I sent you needs 18 people to do the offer for me as well. It's not just me who needs to do it, so that's the problem here. If you can, you can help me to do one offer, but besides that, I know I can't really do anything about it.
I hope I can get one next year, but I think the chance is quite low.
at least....at this moment.
I really want to get a MacBook, now you mentioned it again. haha
Yesterday, I saw those lovely Macs in Best Buy. There wasn't any MacBook to see though, but I saw a MacBook Pro around there. It was really really nice.
I wish I can get one of those. haha
I am fine, don't worry.
hehee, I think you are right. I need to wait for it, and I will eventually get it one day.
you think I am matured? haha....I don't know about this, since I still think I am a little kid. I don't want to be matured. XD
For the MacBook, I do really want one. I had been talking to my friend online last night, and he agreed that getting a MacBook later on is good.
I will be happy, but for now, I am feeling quite worried for duckie. He is currently having a headache.
hahaa...do you know what's my biggest problem? I never have enough confidence! I guess that's one of the main reasons why I can get so frustrated and sad for most of the time.
I will wait for my MacBook. I know I can get one someday. ^^
I think you are right. He always feels really stressed. I don't know why, but probably for working too hard in school, or worried on many things.
He is getting better, after some rests.
take care, amadeus.
Do you know anything that can help me more relaxed, and less stressed?
I wish I can feel more confident, in many ways. For example, I always feel that I am bad in doing certain things, but when I ask people so I know how people think about me, they will say that I am pretty smart, or pretty good. I really don't know, you know? I think I am worrying a bit too much.
take care. I will not let duckie to make me sad.
You lack self-confidence as well? sigh....sure we are brother and sister. we are too alike.....hahahaaa
I hope I get my self-confidence back. I really need it!
i am good i am good i am good...hahahaa
i am playing around here....=P
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