June 13, 2007

Solution to my Presario laptop

My laptop is about 3 years old, and its overheat problem is getting worse. I can't blame Compaq's quality. It's probably because I use it all the time, and as weather gets hotter, I really have no choice but to get a chill pad to cool it down when I am using it at home.

And so...yesterday, I bought Lapcool 3 for my Presario (or MacBook when I am using it).

And it works great!

I turned on the computer for 2 hours, and the CPU temperature is about 37 degrees Cel. My hard drive maintains the temperature of about 30 degree Cel. I guess it's not bad. ;) I guess it will get hotter if I am using programs like Photoshop, but still....this chill pad isn't that bad. =)

Oh yeah, I also cleaned the heat sink of my Presario. I did that last Summer...but I did it again yesterday. ;)


Amadeus said...


Hi my dear sister, I miss you. You are in my thoughts and prayers 24/7. Please a smile and hug.

That seems to be a big problem with laptops. I'm very proud of my sister that you purchased Lapcool 3 fro your laptop. Very happy to hear that it is working.

You do such a good job with the care of your laptop, Know how important that it is to you for school. I think about doing mine, but have a fear that I might damage something,

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Anonymous said...

WOW..u are 'really' accelerating ur laptops...

..i guess u r giving 'them' a hard time..so they need to chill off..hahaha...

chill pads...that's a funny name...
maybe i need some too..