July 9, 2007

My computing assignment

I think I finished it already. There might be bugs, but I will check it over when I have time. I never knew learning a new language is so fun! It's the first time I use PHP to create a web application. Well, it's not that hard after all! =D

If you have the motivation, then you can do it for sure!


Amadeus said...

Hi Kittyangel,

So happy that you are doing updates, thanks. Congratulations on finishing your computing assignment, I'm sure that you will be successful at finding any bugs. Though I don't think that you will any, my sister is so very intelligent. I'm so very proud of my sister, happy to hear that you are having fun. That makes me happy to hear, from my sister forever. Your photographs are very cute.

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Annie said...


I try to do updates when I can, but then I don't always have the time to reply all the comments. I hope that's ok with you and with the rest of the people who actually read my blog. ;)

Well, I am sure there are bugs in every software, so it's not about how intelligent I am. If you don't see any bugs, it just means the bugs are not discovered yet, and I am sure they are there.

Anyway, I will try to work hard for it though. ;)


Amadeus said...


I know that you always try your best my dear sister. Also understand that you are very busy. So that is why it makes your brother very happy when you do updates.

What you say makes sense about the bugs. I pray that you will successfully find them. I'm very proud of the best sister ever.

Thanks, I know that you always work hard, that is why I feel such pride that I have you forever.

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Anonymous said...


nice~ that you enjoyed learning the new language (cs style)..

nice~ that you finished your assignment(s)..

nice~ that you have those cute little picture/icon after each of ur entries..
..found them really cute^^

Annie said...


I got too lazy and so I didn't continue working on it. hahaha...I want to do something else so I guess I will focus on something else instead. ;)

I try to work hard, but I just wish I can work harder. =O




Well, if I don't enjoy it, then I shouldn't be in CS. ;) You can do that too, if you really wanna learn. =P

I think I finished it, but I guess I can check it again before I hand it in on Friday. =)

I like those icons? I have a few more, but I don't want to use them all so quickly.


Amadeus said...


You said the you enjoy working, so I can't really believe that my dear sister would ever be lazy. Just know how much that you have accomplished already, makes me very happy and proud. I know that whatever you decide to focus on you will excel.

I think that you are working very well and hard already. Your are always in my thoughts and prayers 24/7. Please don't over do my dear sister, you how how much that I care.

With Love,


*Hugs & Kisses*

Anonymous said...


are you hot?
XD (haha..what's ur answer!? LOL)




Annie said...


I did a lot, but it doesn't mean I did enough...I always become lazy and do something else...such as playing with my cat. ;)




I am HOT (as in not cold)...hahahaa


Anonymous said...

i know you are HOT (as in you know what..XD!~)

hahaha..i am HOT too..*hides*


Annie said...


I am HOT, as in not cold ar...hahahaa

I agree that you are HOT, as in COOL! =P


Anonymous said...

hahaha..you are funny!~

lol we are BOTH hot..as in COOL + not COLD!!


Annie said...


I am not FUNNY. I am SERIOUS. XD!

Yes..we are BOTH hot, as in BOTH cool and not cold!



Anonymous said...

u r serious, yet funny!~
keekee..i am not hot (as in cold) now..but u r still hot (as in cool)..*winks*


Annie said...


I am serious, but NOT funny. =P

I am still hot ga...hahaha..I mean as in cold. =P

It's better today, but I guess it doesn't matter..hahaha

you are still hot (as in cool) too. =P


Anonymous said...

this hot/cold and hot/cool issue is getting complicated..hahaha..

it rained today..so i guess..
..i am cool now..hahaha..


Annie said...


I know I know! I start to get confused of what you mean by "hot". =P

It's raining so heavily today! boooo!


Anonymous said...

at least it's not HOT anymore..
but it's wet...
haha..too bad...i'd rather be wet than hot..


Annie said...


I know it's not HOT..it's COLD! XD

It's raining so heavily today lor...

