July 14, 2007

Slacking off

I had been slacking off lately. I guess it's because I finished most assignments a bit early, and so I just started downloading shows to watch (by the way, my brother and I downloaded about 10GB of shows in the last 5 days).

Well, it's not like I had nothing to do, but I was waiting for my group members to finish their class assignments.

Anyway, I will work harder today. I gotta study Ruby on Rails. XD

I sure hope that will help to do our project sooner. =)


Anonymous said...

very cute piggie icon ar..^3^

haha..slacking off..that's 'nice'..heehee~!

WOW..is there a limit..to ur downloading..10MB is A LOT wor..00..amazing..!!~


Anonymous said...

oops..i think i typed 10MB instead of 10GB in my last comment..

or did i?!

i am not sure..anywayz..i meant to type 10GB..XP!~

Annie said...


Well, I don't want to slack off. hahaha

There is a limit in the number of GB I download, but the limit is really big, so I guess it doesn't really matter. =P

hahaha..10MB, glad you realized this problem. =P


Anonymous said...

haha..btw..u know what..
when i say the word 'GB'..
i always end up saying 'Ju Bill'..
hahaha..so funny!~

heehee..i kinda saw my mistake when my finger finished clicking the 'publish your comment' button..~LOL~

Annie said...


Ju Bill? Why? hahaha
Too bad there is no edit button for the person posting the message la..hahaha

And I can't edit people's comments, so you know? There is really nothing I can do right now. =S


Anonymous said...

ha? i dunno what u mean..

why do u wanna edit my message X(

i think u misunderstood me..
what i meant was:

when i say the word 'GB' out loud, i always end up saying 'Ju Bill' instead...and i think that's really funny..

Annie said...


I can't edit your message ga...but I can always delete your message. =P

I know i know..I understood you ar...but why "ju bill"? =P That sounds funny.


Anonymous said...

coz "G B" sounds like "Ju Bill"..hahaha..i guess that's my personal interpretation..:P..*hides*~

and pls dun delete my comments..if possible..(-0-)..or i'll cry (*sob*)

Annie said...


hahhaa...I guess only you can think about this. =P

I will not delete your comments la. I don't usually delete people comments..unless they are going against most other people, and are offensive.
