August 18, 2007

Grades and future

I wonder if everyone got their final grades back yet... =P

I think this is the most relaxing time, yet the most worrying time. Well, you will know what I mean when you try visiting to check out your grades.

There are always people who are happy about their marks, yet there are some who feel disappointed. Either way, we can still learn. We should keep trying, and work harder!

There shouldn't be any regrets.

This is the time in which we try to increase our chances to get a good career in the future. We can't guarantee that everything will turn out great, but if we can't even try to do something to control our future, then who can we blame when we face problems?

When luck is limited, we can only rely on our skills.


Anonymous said...

very true..

my heart's pumping hard everytime when i am at to look at my grades..

Annie said...


I know what you mean. I always go there to check it, but then I feel so relieved when I don't see any marks on the grade area. =P



Anonymous said...

u know what..i have the exact feeling!

on one hand, wanna get it over with..and go look!
(when i decided to go and look)

on the other hand, dun really wanna know!
(feel relieved when there's nothing there)

and the process continues..until all the marks are up!~ (00)

Annie said...


Really? hahahaa...maybe that applies to every student. ;) Did you check out your final grades yet?

I still have one unknown. How about you?

I still go to to check everyday (except the weekends) so I can get it over with, but at the same time, I feel quite happy that I still have some unknown marks. ;)


quite contradicting. =P


Anonymous said...

i got all my grades back la..
quite early too this time..i guess.

good luck to you la..
to know ur final mark soon..
it's torturing..i know..

Annie said...


That's quick!

You must got some good grades. ;)

I just got all my final grades back today. =) hhahaa

I feel so relaxed after all the grades are out!



Anonymous said...

not that good..

could have been better..

as always...

Annie said...

kinki, always say that. I wonder if you are getting like all A's. =P


Anonymous said...

i wish too

but no..

not even close

Annie said...


That's ok. You are about to graduate. Your things must be hard!


Anonymous said...

i think it's just me..

but oh well~

i am over it la..!

Annie said...


I know. It's all done now. =)
