July 17, 2008

Bed time

In these few days, I spent a large amount of my time on my bed. My back hurts so much, and I am not feeling well.

Going to school these days is a challenge for me.

I am actually on my bed right now typing on my phone.


Anonymous said...

How did yesterday go for you?
How long did you actually stayed there to help him??

I had A LOT of fun seeing/talking to you yesterday!!!

Surprise (for you), Surprise (for me)!! Heehee~ ^0^

Anonymous said...

Oops..forgot to ask you about your backpain tim!!

Have you got ur medicine yet?
Hope the doc gave you the 'right' med this time ^^"

Annie said...


Yesterday was ok. I stayed in Harbour Centre till around...6? Then he wanted to go to the outlet stores =S near Walmart...but I kept asking to leave, so we didn't stay there for too long.

I had lots of fun as well. Too bad I promised oppa that I would help him.

Hope to see you soon! =D

My back is ok la...
I will get better soon. Don't worry about it. ;)


Anonymous said...

wow, 6pm!?
did you help him finish his 'thingie'?
u guys went to the outlet?
maybe he just wanna stay with you longer..

i know, it's alright! you had a 'date' planned ma. i like surprises!! hope i SURPRISED you..in a good way la..haha!~ ^^

hope you feel better now!!

Annie said...


I finished this thingie already.

I don't think he wants to stay with me longer...hahaha...he isn't that nice. maybe he is nice, but he doesn't want to act nice in front of females. you know....males should be the ones "controlling" the females....to him. not like I care, as long as I understand what he is thinking.

I don't have a 'date'. hahahaa...he is just my BROTHER. ;) I am really happy with this brother/sister relationship already.

You did surprised me! Thanks for coming! =)

You are the best!


Annie said...


And...I am feeling a bit better. =)


Anonymous said...

Good to hear!

Even better if you change the word "bit" to "lot" !


Annie said...


hahaha...I am feeling a lot better now.

but now i am soo stressed out by all the assignments and homework i need to do. =S


Anonymous said...

oh i see..

** add oil! **
** add oil! **
** add oil! **

i guess i could only be your 'cheerleader'.

look forward to the break you'll have when the semester's over..*blink*

and ME!! *hides*

Annie said...


Thanks! hahaha...thanks. I need a cheerleader!

I am looking for a break too! I really need it!

too many things to handle these days. ><
