July 29, 2008

HSBC Celebration of Light - USA

I managed to watch the USA fireworks with my mom. Well, actually...I went to the Burrard skytrain station with oppa, then he went to find his "kids". I left him to find my mom. =)

I didn't take a lot of photos, as I forgot to bring my dad's tripod with me!

Oh well, I will take better photos next time. =)


Anonymous said...

Nice Photos!
I still dunno how to take those night-time photos!!
I guess it's both me and my camera's not good enough for the job!! =(

Annie said...


umm...mine is a really old camera. hahaha...and this photo is captured from an actual video.

I guess you just need a tripod, if you don't have a steady hand.

I didn't use my tripod, but I tried to put my camera on my knee so the camera could be a bit more steady. It was the most horrible 30 minutes I had....because I couldn't even move when I was trying to take these shots. XD


Anonymous said...

i really wanna learn how to take photos at night times!

i still dun get it after all these years (lazy to learn) =(

but first i need to know what those icon/stuff stands for on my camera =P

Annie said...


Well...you just have to play around, then you will know what to do. I never read the camera manual, but I can guess.
