April 27, 2006

Duckie hurted me again...

Sometimes, I really don't understand what duckie is thinking. He said he loves me, but he never did anything to show that. For example, in the weekend, he will go to US with his family (he abandoned me, of course). On Tuesday, he will take the driver test, and again, forget me. He knows that I have work on Monday, but still..he will rest when I am busy, and get busy when I am available to see him. Too bad I can't change my work schedule, or I can see him as well. I really don't get what he is thinking....I really don't get it. Maybe.....all he wants is to leave me alone, so he can do whatever he wants to.

He really hurted me.....but sigh....

I know I will need to concentrate on something else. Maybe...I should start to depend on something else, but not him. I need to find my true happiness.


Annie said...


I know he still loves me, or else he would not try to get me back again and again.

We just have some relationship problems. I think it will get solved, as I get happier.

I think it's my problem, as I don't believe him that he will love me forever, and I do not believe that we can love each other forever.

Love is all about trust, but I can't really do it to him. I know it's my fault.

Maybe...with a bit of time, I can get happier, and hopefully, our relationship will have some improvement. *wish wish wish*

thanks for your support, amadeus. glad you are always here commenting my blog entries.

Annie said...

heehe...you are so sweet, amadeus. I am not blaming myself, amadeus. I think that's the truth, and I really want to solve this problem by changing myself.

hehee...thanks for loving me and trusting me. ^^

hehee...I will try to enjoy my vacation and smile more. don't worry about me, really..

*hug and smile*
i am happy to know that you care about me.