May 31, 2006

Duckie's pink rose

Earlier in Duckie's post, My backyard plants, Duckie said that he would show you some pictures of his pink roses when they came out. Well, he sent me a picture of the flower last night, so I guess I might as well help him to post it for you guys. I hope he doesn't mind that.

Anyway, in these few days, I don't feel too well. I will take care, and hopefully, I will be well again by Saturday. ^^


Annie said...


I am feeling a bit better, but my nose doesn't feel great at the moment. *sneeze sneeze* lol

my eyes don't feel too great as well. i am not going to type a lot...

thanks for thinking about me.


Anonymous said...

i bet the rose is for YOU..hahaha..a pink rose from duckie to kitty, so SWEET!!! (^U^)

i thought it was ur backyard at first, hahaha...but then i saw the comments and realize my stupidity..heehee..^^"

Annie said...


I think you are right. Looking at the screen does make me really tired everyday. I don't know about my nose though. I think it's some kind of allergy or something.

It happen last year, I think.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><


hahaa....that flower is not for me.'s just a plant duckie planted last year or something.'s not in my backyard. It's in duckie's backyard, hahahaa...

You are not stupid, of course.


Annie said...


My dad got me eye drops, and I hope that helps. My dad tells me not to use it too much, or my eyes will depend on it. My eyes don't feel well at all, but I will try to communicate with you when I feel slightly better.

I don't know what I can do to stop having this allegrgy, but I guess I will live with it.

Talk to you soon.

Annie said...


Actually, the labels on the eye drops says that I can use it as often as I want to. hahahaa...but I guess, my dad is right. I don't want to depend on it.

I will follow the directions. Don't worry about it. ^^


Annie said...

There are side effects? what do you mean?

can you tell me more about it?


P.S. please take care.

Annie said...

Hi amadeus, don't seem to get affected by this. I don't know, but I always feel sleepy though. Is that a side effect too? haha

The box says that it's not good for people who have high blood pressure, but I guess that's ok for me.

take care, amadeus.

Annie said...


my blood pressure is always normal, so don't worry about it. I am more worried for my mom. She doesn't sleep well recently, and she always has a high blood pressure.

