February 8, 2009

So unhappy

Sooo unhappy...I cannot sleep. I tried to make myself happy by doing something I like, such as learning Joomla, but I know this is not enough. In order to make myself happy, I need to depend on how I think about everything around me. He is making me upset, but I love him. I don't know if we can be together forever, but it doesn't mean I should giveup. I shouldn't giveup in everything. I have to be strong and look forward. I really hope I can do it. I need to grow up, don't get upset because of some stupid thing, and end up hurting each other. Maybe he will never believe me again, but I still have to do it. It's part of my life learning, and I know it will help me to become a better person, to me, my boyfriend,or anyone I love.

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