February 10, 2009

Work + Personal

I am so stressed out today.  I was working on my ongoing project, which will be used over 700 times each day by users, and a co-worker came to me requesting my help to do some investigation on an urgent bug that needs to be fixed as soon as possible.  I really have no clue how to fix it.  I tried to execute the code on my localhost, but everything worked fine.  I guess I will try harder tomorrow.  I told myself that everything will turn out to be ok...just like everything I did before, but the hard work I put into it always give me a lot of pressure.

I hope my job is better in the future. ^^

I phoned my mom around half an hour ago.  Everything was ok.  I am quite happy that I could talk to her with peace.  I hope our relationship will get better, and she will understand me.  I am growing up, and I am happy that I am here....trying to be independent.

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