March 12, 2009

Getting a car

I had been talking to my brother for a few days about getting a car. Since he is more knowledgeable than me in cars, I think it's a very good idea to get some suggestions from him.

After thinking about it, I think I will decide if I buy a car or not when I get a permanent job. I want to know where I will live in the long run. If I choose to stay in Ontario, I will to transfer my driving licence to the Ontario one. I might want to warm up my driving again in Vancouver if I can stay there for a while, then take another driving test to upgrade my licence to class 5, then transfer my licence to a G Ontario licence. After all these are done, then I can get a car!! If I cannot stay in Vancouver, then I will transfer my licence to G2 (maybe)n then take a driving test to upgrade my licence to G. Either way, I think it will work. I hope I can get a job soon. That will really help me make my decision.

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